( ...and FREE Wine 🍷)

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I thought exactly the same!

My parents are first generation immigrants so I was never taught the SECRETS OF GENERATIONAL WEALTH. I believe everyone has the opportunity to be a Homeowner & BUILD WEALTH through Real Estate. It starts with buying your first home--Let me show you how!

 I'll send you my "Tell-All" Guide on SECRETS TO GENERATIONAL WEALTH and uncover how 90% of the World's Millionaires do it through Real Estate.

think it's too expensive to buy your first home in Los Angeles? 


* indicates required

It's actually more affordable than you think. I CAN HELP!

Let's Open the Door to YOUR Possible Future!

“WE desperately wanted to stop renting at our current place. I was searching for months on my own and in less a month – Jed found us a new home.  He was professional, responsive & FUN!  He not only secured the deal but made the whole process easy and enjoyable.  Everyone loves him! Honestly, if he didn't establish such a great relationship with the other agent -- I'm not sure we would be in our new home because there was a lot of competition.  I now go to him for any real estate need or wine suggestion --he's an expert on both lol.

Lema K.
Director of Front Office Operations
Fairmont Miramar Hotel

what my clients say about me

Jed made sure I was always comfortable with any decision that I made.  I never felt pressured.  He was able to the keep the Peace and keep the transaction going even when it didn't seem like it was going that way with the other side.  I appreciate that he always made sure all parties were informed so I never felt in the dark. To top it off - he even threw me a nice Hawaiian Blessing to take all the bad juju from the transaction--so happy now!

Casey B.
Consumer Anthropology

what my clients say about me

YAAAS, Please




everything you need to know about working with me

I come from the world of HOTELS & HOSPITALITY -- so I LOVE ME a Process & I LOVE to provide that process with gracious hospitality.  Working with me starts with what I call a V.I.P. (Vision & Initial Possibilities) Call or Meeting.  Whether you are a First-time Buyers, or a Current Homeowner -- the first step of MY PROCESS is to get to know YOU (my new V.I.P.)!

I can best serve you if I know more about your goals and your current situation.  This helps me, help you, to strategize a short & long term plan to get you from where you are now-- to where you want to be -- a month from now or 10 years from.  The time we spend during this initial V.I.P. meeting will SAVE YOU weeks or months of time and stress so we can properly plan. 

This is also an opportunity for YOU to re-visit your Dream Goals and OPEN THE DOOR to the infinite Possibilities of a Better Future.   I would be honored to be your Trusted Advisor!

Be  My  VIP

YOU hold the key - let's OPEN THE DOOR together!


...Whether you're buying your first home or planning to BUY & SELL at the same time.

I GOT THE T on how to get your next home most affordably.


...Thinking about Selling your home OR just being a great homeowner so you get TOP Dollar when it's time to sell?

I GOT THE T on a "multi-point inspection" plan to make YOU successful in any market!


NERD OUT on my

schedule a free V.I.P. CALL

Schedule a free V.I.P. (Vision & Initial Possibilities) consultation and we can get started right away!

let's start talking about your dream GOALS and how to get there

There's not a lot of people who can't keep up with my pace. I flip homes and investment properties so I need answers to move on deals  and make decisions quickly.  Jed was always on it. I never had to follow-up with him.  In fact, he was always a step ahead with reports that I hadn't even requested. Realtors are notorious for dropping balls and being un-timely. Time is money and Jed understands that. 

Jeff M.
Co-Founder, Oak

what my clients say about me

I'm a numbers guy and I like to look at all data to make sure that I completely understand any decision that I am making. Jed  always had his numbers ready for me before any outing.  We always reviewed comps and the forecasted appreciation values for any property based on the neighborhood that I put an offer on.  I probably drove him nuts a few times but he was always patient and and made sure I was comfortable with my decision. He's great!

Scott H
Payment Process Manager

what my clients say about me

learn more about me

I ❤️ helping RENTERS become Homeowners!
AND... steer their WEALTH BUILDING Path!

I'm (first name) JED...
(last name) INDUCTIVO  a.k.a. JED.i   


(a nickname since college)

Homeownership is not only POSSIBLE but AFFORDABLE  even in a city as expensive as Los Angeles!  The lack of education, the mis-information, and the Over-Complexity of buying a home is what keeps most people from achieving their goals. I would love to show YOU how! It's 100% Possible. I GOT YOU!

I'm your ... Real Estate