Sleep Hacks: Best Practices for a Restful Night 💤

Wellness 🧘🏻‍♂️

I’ve become a bit of a sleep nerd lately, diving deep into anything that can improve the quality of my rest. Sleep is the foundation for everything—mental clarity, physical health, and even our overall happiness. And, let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day? So, after lots of research, trial, and error, I’ve come up with a list of sleep hacks and best practices that have made a world of difference for me.

Here’s my go-to guide for better sleep:

  1. Sunlight Exposure: Try to get outside within 30-60 minutes of waking, and again in the late afternoon before sunset. Natural light helps set your internal clock. If it’s cloudy or you live somewhere with minimal daylight, you can consider using an artificial light source.
  2. Consistent Wake Time: Wake up at the same time every day and go to bed as soon as you feel sleepy. Avoid pushing through that drowsy late-evening feeling, as it could leave you wide awake at 3 AM.
  3. Limit Caffeine: Avoid caffeine within 8-10 hours of bedtime. I can manage caffeine at 1 PM and still sleep well by 9 PM or 10 PM, but adjust based on what works for you.
  4. Sleep Hypnosis: If you’re dealing with insomnia or sleep anxiety, the Reveri app offers research-backed sleep self-hypnosis that can help calm your nervous system and improve relaxation.
  5. Limit Bright Lights: Avoid bright lights, especially overhead lights, between 10 PM and 4 AM. Use only as much light as necessary for safety, and opt for softer lighting, like candles, to avoid disrupting your circadian rhythm. I personally use blue light blocker glasses if I need to look at my phone or tablet during this time. Additionally, I have Philips Hue smart lights that automatically dim and lower the brightness around 9 PM, signaling my body that it’s time to wind down for the night.
  6. Smart Naps: Keep naps under 90 minutes, or avoid them altogether. I love a good 30-minute nap, but I can also refresh with a quick 5-15 minute power nap! If you’re looking to really recharge, try the “Nappaccino”—drink an espresso, take a 15-minute nap, and wake up feeling refreshed without grogginess.
  7. NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest): If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep, try an NSDR or Yoga Nidra protocol to help you relax. You can find plenty of guided options on YouTube.
  8. Consider Supplements: Some supplements can help ease you into better sleep, like magnesium threonate, apigenin, theanine, or GABA. Start with one and see how your body reacts before adding more.
  9. Natural Bedtime Alertness: Don’t be alarmed if you feel wide awake about an hour before your natural bedtime—it’s a normal wakefulness spike and will pass.

Hot and Cold Showers: A Surprising Way to Regulate Temperature 🌡️

Here’s a surprising hack: taking a hot shower at night actually helps lower your core body temperature, which can help you fall asleep faster. Even though a hot shower sounds like it would heat you up, it causes your body to cool down afterward as it releases heat, signaling that it’s time to wind down for bed. I do this about an hour before bed to help my body prepare for sleep.

On the flip side, I start my mornings with a cold shower for at least two minutes, and it works wonders for waking me up. Even though you’d expect the cold to cool you down, it actually raises your core body temperature and gives you that extra energy boost to kickstart your day. It’s funny how it works the opposite of what you’d think, but trust me, it’s a game-changer!

PM Wind-Down Routine 🧘‍♂️

One of the most effective sleep hacks I’ve incorporated is creating a wind-down routine in the evening. My routine kicks off at 9 PM. I have my lights programmed to start dimming around the house and all screens are shut down at this point. I then jump into a warm shower with a few drops of lavender essential oil while having relaxing music in the background. Afterwards, I have lightly scented candles and often spend this time journaling to get all my thoughts out—this helps keep my mind from racing and stops me from staying wired when I’m trying to fall asleep. I also practice gratitude during this time — listing 3 good things that happened today. I also jot down anythings that are mission critical for tomorrow as well as free scribe any thoughts or feelings that bubble up. After journaling, I read or do some light stretching—anything that tells my brain it’s time to slow down. Sticking to this routine helps calm my mind and sets the stage for better sleep. If you’re not winding down before bed, you’re missing out on one of the best ways to prepare your body and mind for rest.

  1. Keep It Cool with the Eight Sleep Smart Mattress: Temperature regulation is key for a restful night, and the ideal sleep environment is around 68°F. One of the best investments I’ve made for optimizing my sleep is the Eight Sleep Smart Mattress system. This smart mattress system uses cutting-edge technology to monitor your body’s temperature throughout the night and adjusts the bed’s climate to keep you in the optimal sleep zone. Whether you’re someone who tends to overheat at night or gets too cold, the Eight Sleep system tailors the bed’s temperature to match your needs. It can even track your sleep patterns and provide insights to help you improve your rest over time. Check it out at if you’re serious about taking your sleep game to the next level!
  2. Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it disrupts your sleep cycle and lowers sleep quality. Ideally your last think should be no later than 7pm — is this why I love Happy Hour so much? lol. AND FYI – the same goes for most sleep medications.
  3. Adapt to Change: Sleep needs change over time. You might be a night owl in your teens and turn into a morning person later in life—adjust your habits as needed.

Additional Resources and Best Practices

If you want to dive deeper into the science of sleep, I highly recommend checking out these resources:

  • Huberman Lab Podcast: Dr. Andrew Huberman has an excellent four-part series with sleep expert Dr. Matt Walker, which breaks down everything from sleep biology to practical tips for improving sleep. You can listen to the series here.
  • Chronotypes and Sleep Doctor: Ever wonder why some people are natural night owls while others thrive in the morning? Dr. Michael Breus, aka The Sleep Doctor, specializes in chronotypes—your body’s natural inclination for sleep timing. Take his chronotype quiz and learn more about how to tailor your sleep habits to your specific biology at Understanding your chronotype can help you find the best bedtime and wake-up schedule for your unique rhythm.
  • Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson: If you’re looking for a straightforward, actionable guide to improving your sleep, check out Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success. This book offers practical strategies for upgrading your sleep routine, with insights from top experts like Dr. Sara Gottfried.
  • Snoring Solutions: If snoring is affecting your sleep (or your partner’s!), consider using snoring apps that track disturbances and give feedback on what might be causing the problem. Devices like Nora or nasal dilators can help alleviate snoring by keeping airways open, making a big difference in sleep quality for both you and your partner.

I’ve found that following these hacks not only improves my sleep but also makes my days far more productive and enjoyable. Sleep isn’t something to be perfected, but focusing on these habits can make a huge difference. Remember, it’s all about consistency and finding what works best for you. Sleep well, and I promise, you’ll feel the benefits in every part of your life.


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